
I have a wide range of genre interests, and I like to tap into new outlets for my creativity.

Here are some of my published works:



  • My debut poems, "Dinah's Dream," "Sabbath," and "Strange Blood" appeared in the May 2015 issue of Indiana Voice Journal.
  • My poetry collection "The Constant Learning Curve" appeared in the fall 2015 issue of TWJ Magazine.
  • "The Fallow Field" and "Hymn for Hesitation" appeared in the October 2019 edition of Exhale, a print-only literary journal of the Breathe Writers Conference, which can be ordered here.
  • A pair of poems, "The Birds Gather for Band Practice," and "Sunrise Over the Bay," appeared in the Fall/Winter 2020 issue of the online literary journal Horn Pond Review.


  • My first short story, "Edie Meets the Poet," was published on May 27, 2015, by Splickety Publishing Group, a flash-fiction outlet that has since closed.
  • I published a recurring blog series on an imaginative introvert named Mariah.
  • My short story "The Two-Year Strangers" was selected by Great Lakes Commonwealth of Letters for an open mic night reading.

Blogs and nonfiction

  • This blog, since December 2008

Josh Mosey's Blog | Guest Post

Susie Finkbeiner's Blog | Guest Post

Cornerstone University

  • "Learning How to Love the Abused," April 1, 2009

The Daily News in Greenville
  • College Connection blogger for the newspaper, wrote 16 blog posts that won a Michigan Press Association First Place Award for Blogging in 2008
  • Authored feature story on Greenville native and Cornerstone student-athlete Sarah Owens, 2008